Monday, March 15, 2010

What's On the Other Side

From our vantage point, here on earth, we only have the capability of seeing with very limited vision. However, from the vantage point that God has; He is able to look down upon us and see the big picture.

In each and every life there will be battles that each of us must face. You can choose to face them now, as the Lord leads you, or you can turn from His will and prolong the inevitable. The fact is you will have to face the battle sooner or later. I do not know of one Christian who has ever turned their back on Christ while on a mountain top in their Christian life. Yet, I know many who have turned their back on Him when faced with a battle or trial. As I walk with Christ I must remember that each battle that I am faced with has been carefully crafted by the Master to better equip me for the ministry to which I have been called. It is our responsibility to stay close to Christ during both the mountain top experiences and the valley experiences that I am faced with.

I have heard many Christians make this statement, "I am so tired of these trials!" It is during my most tiresome moments in life that I am to drink from the cool waters that only Christ can provide. During these trials is when I am to pull up to the banqueting table of God's Word and let it fill me with a nourishment and a recharge that only God's Word can give. Sad fact is, many Christians do the complete opposite - we turn away from what the Lord has for us and we try and create a better solution from our finite imagination and we end up making matters worse rather than better.

I have told the people of Calvary many times, "Victory is only found on the other side of a battle!" If you are looking for a victorious Christian life then you must be ready to accept the trials and battles that come with it. Do not quit because times get tough! It's time that Christians toughen up a little bit and realize that Christ never promised that with salvation would come a battle free life. He just promised that you would never have to go through a battle alone again. He knew that there would be burdens for His children to carry so He said, "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest!"

Dear Saint of God - stay focused on Christ and you will make it through the most difficult of trials. Remain faithful to His cause and you will find that the Christian life is worth the living. Claim Christ as your dearest Friend, for it is He that promised to be a Friend that sticks closer than a brother!

Victory is only found on the other side of a battle!